
18 January 2024 - How to make electricity demand more responsive to variable renewable generation

How to make electricity demand more responsive to variable renewable generation

Prof. Dr. Marten Ovaere, Prof. dr. Brent Bleys, Dr. Mariateresa Silvi, Dr. Sam Hamels, Baptiste Rigaux

16 October 2023 - Are high property taxes costly for employment ?

Are high property taxes costly for employment ?

Jose Villegas

6 April 2023 - GDP-linked bonds

GDP-linked bonds

Yasin Kürşat Önder

31 March 2023 - Why energy crisis? Analysis of energy bills of 930,000 households

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14 March 2023 - Paying with a digital euro: do we need it?

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24 February 2023 - Four recommendations for a stable and sustainable energy market

 Four recommendations for a stable and sustainable energy market

Aislinn D'hulster, Sam Hamels, Joannes Laveyne, Marten Ovaere en Koen Schoors

26 January 2023 - Pension reform: How to reconcile financial sustainability, macroeconomic efficiency and equity?

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20 October 2022 - Impact of energy bills on energy consumption, consumption and savings behavior of Belgian households

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30 June 2022 - Toward a triple win: transforming circular migration programs into circular training and mobility programs

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16 June 2022 - Unemployment benefits for young people scrapped faster graduate and get to work?

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18 October 2021 - Becoming financially healthy 90-plus

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17 April 2020 - Economic policy in times of corona: a matter of spending right.

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Economisch beleid in tijden van corona: een kwestie van de juiste uitgaven te doen.

Stijn Baert, Bart Cockx, Freddy Heylen en Gert Peersman



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